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154 results found

European Union - A strong budget in Science and Innovation to boost growth and create jobs

Press | Opinion Articles | 19-06-2020

Co-author:  Mariya Gabriel , European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented, and so is our common response to the virus outbreak.  When governments and societies around the world have been struggling to contain the global pandemic, when our  economies have been suffering like never before, and our personal and professional lives have been massively disrupted, research and innovation turned out to be the most impactful an...

Amending Regulations (EU) No 575/2013 and (EU) 2019/876 as regards adjustments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (A9-0113/2020 - Jonás Fernández) [PT]

Work in Parliament | Explanations of Vote | 18-06-2020

Sem medidas temporárias excecionais, o impacto da pandemia de COVID 19 poderia resultar em níveis extremos de volatilidade nos mercados financeiros, com consequências na dívida pública, nas instituições financeiras e no acesso ao crédito por famílias e empresas.

Debate “Que VIR(A)GENS pós-COVID-19?”, promoted by FEC – Fundação Fé e Cooperação

Agenda | 18-06-2020

Webcast conference "Rapid R&I Force: Post-COVID, can we create a reserve force of deep-tech innovation?", organised by Science|Business

Agenda | 08-06-2020

e-Event on "Globalisation, ecosystems and EU's industrial strategy after COVID-19", organised by Orgalim

Agenda | 04-06-2020

Lukewarm welcome for plan to prop up Horizon budget with €13.5B pandemic recovery money

Press | News | 27-05-2020

There’s more in the pot, but MEPs and research lobbies decry ‘mismatch’ between European Commission’s revised research budget and the post-COVID-19 mountains to be scaled By Florin Zubașcu and Goda Naujokaitytė EU legislators and research stakeholders are not exactly thrilled by the European Commission’s revised multiannual budget proposal, in which it pencils in €94.4 billion (in 2018 prices) for Horizon Europe. While research organisations welcome a cash injection of €13.5 billion from th...

The European industry is a priority in the recovery plan

Press | News | 21-05-2020

During a debate, MEP Maria da Graça CARVALHO (EPP, PT) talked about the importance of investing in the industrial sector, Jornal de Negócios reports. "This European Commission and this European Parliament have put the industrial strategy back on the political agenda, which is very important and was already so on 10 and 11 March, just before the Covid-19 confinement of almost the whole of Europe, the European Commission made a series of documents with a European strategy for industry, for d...

Is coronavirus the end of the European project?

Public Interventions | Events | 16-05-2020

Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in a virtual debate organized by Cambridge Union entitled "Is Covid-19 the end of the European project?". Panellists at the debate included as well the former Leader of the Liberal Democrats Sir Vince Cable, the Europe Editor for  The Financial Times  Ben Hall, and Director of Italy’s Istituto Affari Internazionali Nathalie Tocci.  In the debate, Maria da Graça Carvalho stated that Covid-19 would not damage the EU and that, on the contrary, the pandemic...

Macro-financial assistance to enlargement and neighbourhood partners in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis [PT]

Work in Parliament | Explanations of Vote | 15-05-2020

A actual situação de crise que se vive devido ao surto de COVID-19 tem tido um forte impacto na dimensão e na natureza das necessidades que requerem apoio orçamental urgente por parte da União Europeia. A proposta da Comissão visa conceder assistência macrofinanceira (AMF) no montante total de 3 mil milhões de euros a 10 países do alargamento e da vizinhança que enfrentam uma crise da balança de pagamentos: Albânia, Bósnia e Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, República da Macedônia do ...

Temporary measures concerning the general meetings of European companies (SE) and of European Cooperative Societies (SCE) [PT]

Work in Parliament | Explanations of Vote | 14-05-2020

A pandemia de COVID-19 tem graves repercussões nas sociedades e nas sociedades cooperativas, incluindo as Sociedades Europeias e as Sociedades Cooperativas Europeias. Em particular, devido às medidas de confinamento e de distanciamento social, bem como à necessidade de concentrar esforços na gestão das restrições da atividade económica, as SE e as SCE enfrentam dificuldades consideráveis no tocante ao cumprimento do prazo de realização da sua assembleia geral referido no artigo54.º dos respeti...

A safety net to protect the beneficiaries of EU programmes: setting up an MFF contingency plan (A9-0099/2020 - Jan Olbrycht, Margarida Marques) [PT]

Work in Parliament | Explanations of Vote | 13-05-2020

Os constantes atrasos no Acordo com o Conselho Europeu evidenciam um elevado risco de que não se alcance um acordo sobre o próximo Quadro Financeiro Plurianual (QFP) a tempo de este entrar em vigor em 1 de janeiro de 2021 e de que não se consiga uma transição harmoniosa do QFP 2014-2020 para o QFP 2021-2027. A actual crise sanitária resultante do surto de Covid-19 e os impactos socioeconómicos sem precedentes na vida dos cidadãos tornam ainda mais premente a necessidade de eliminar qualque...

EPP ITRE Hearing on "2030 Climate and Energy Targets in light of the COVID-19 crisis"

Agenda | 12-05-2020

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