Atividade Parlamentar The Copernicus-programme in the timeframe 2014-2020: regulatory aspects

Outras Atividades | 04-09-2013

In her capacity of rapporteur for the Budget committee on the draft Copernicus regulation, Maria da Graça Carvalho participated in the round table discussion The Copernicus-programme in the timeframe 2014-2020: regulatory aspects. This event was organised by the Government of North Rhine Westphalia and the German Aeroespace Center and took place today in the representation of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union.

The welcome address was delivered by Svenja Schulze (Minister of Innovation, Science, Research, State of North Rhine-Westphalia); and Prof. Johann-Dietricch Worner (Chairman of the Executive Board, German Aerospace Center DLR). 

The roundtable discussion was moderated by U.Bobinger and besides Maria da Graça Carvalho (see here speaking notes), included Jean-Jaques-Dordain (Director-General of European Space Agency); Evert Dudok (CEO Astrium services, Chairman of the management of Astrium GmbH); Prof. Worner (Chairman of the Executive Board, German Aerospace Centre DLR) and Geoff Sawyer (Secretary-General of the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies).

On May 29, 2013 the European Commission adopted its proposal for the future Copernicus regulation which will define the programme´s main contents and governance for the timeframe 2014-2020. The event pretended to contribute to an early and comprenhensive reaction to the proposed regulation from the space community.

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