Atividade Parlamentar Climate Parliament and the Parliamentary Action for Renewable Energy PARE project

Outras Atividades | 15-06-2013

Under the scope of  the 25th ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary AssemblyMaria da Graça Carvalho represented the Climate Parliament in the side event Climate Parliament and the Parliamentary Action for Renewable Energy PARE project.

The event was about renewable energy for ACP MPs and took place in the European Parliament between.

During her intervention, Maria da Graça Carvalho spoke about the work that the Climate Parliament has done in its 10 priority countries in the European Parliament and the parliamentary Action for renewable Energy project.

Charles Chauvel, the head of UNDP's Parliamentary Development programme, followed Ms Carvalho´s intervention and provided some concrete examples of work that the Parliamentary Action for Renewable Energy project is doing.

The Climate Parliament is currently working with MPs in the Arab world, Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

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