Atividade Parlamentar Sistema mundial de recolha de dados sobre o consumo de combustível dos navios (A9-0144/2020 - Jutta Paulus) [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 16-09-2020

One of the biggest hurdles to de-fossilise our economy is represented by the transport sector, with particular attention to maritime and aviation. Technologies are not yet all deployable and there is the need to boost research and innovation investments if we want to have a chance to reach ambitious targets. I voted in favour of this revision because the Union’s monitoring, reporting and verification requirements for shipping emissions need to be aligned with the global data collection systems that were recently adopted. The target of 40% by 2030 shall be an incentive to improve the performances of the European sector, but there should be an impact assessment to evaluate needs and obstacles. An impact assessment shall analyse also if the ETS is the right framework to reduce the emissions also of this sector, and seen the impacts that this might have it shall be based on a dedicated Commission proposal.

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