Atividade Parlamentar Requisitos mínimos para a reutilização da água (A9-0098/2020 - Simona Bonafè) [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 13-05-2020

As part of the Circular Economy Action Plan, this regulation addresses water re-use in particular for agricultural purposes, as there is always the possibility to use the reclaimed water for other scopes. The new regulation equips the EU with minimum requirements for the quality of water and the competent authorities must monitor and control its level also on the basis of a risk management plan. National and regional authorities will have to set the “point of compliance” in order to determine minimum conditions for the good treatment of the reclaimed water when it is transferred to other actors in chain. Water quality is a persistent issue in many Member States and this is the reason for I am proposing that the European Institute of Technology and Innovation establishes the conditions for aa new European partnership (Knowledge and Innovation Community) dedicated to water, in all its dimensions. We have a very big portfolio of research and innovation projects and activities in the EU and coordination is often lacking, but conditions must be improved and strengthened and a new KIC in this area could be the step forward that is needed.

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