Atividade Parlamentar Quitação 2018 : Empresa Comum para o ITER e o Desenvolvimento da Energia de Fusão (A9-0049/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko) [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 14-05-2020

ITER is one of the most ambitious projects in the world and I supported this resolution as I believe the blue-sky research is fundamental to feed innovation and to identify solutions for complex problems. The responsibilities of the ITER JU go beyond the construction of the reactor and will cover the operational start, but also the deactivation and decommissioning foreseen in 30 years. The organization is improving the efficiency in respecting the commitments taken through its governing bodies and this shows that a good management can do more than infinite resources. I supported this resolution and the discharge also for this year.

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