Atividade Parlamentar Quitação 2018 : Empresa Comum ECSEL (A9-0045/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko) [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 14-05-2020

I had the opportunity to touch with hand and see with my eyes the remarkable results of this partnership that I accompany since many years with interest and satisfaction. The future of this JU depends on the plans of the Commission regarding the next set of proposals for the renewal of the next partnerships, it is thus very important to increase the visibility of the achievements of the Joint Undertaking, and the dissemination of information on their added value. I have to admit a certain disappointment in terms of gender balance, but this effect is a consequence of the current trends in terms of women and girls in the ICT sectors. I am working to improve the specific conditions for their better involvement in education and work-related environments and I always believe we have to try showing the example at EU level. I really count on seeing the current percentage reaching at least 40% in the next years. I voted in favour.

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