Atividade Parlamentar Quitação 2018 : Empresa Comum «Clean Sky 2» (A9-0032/2020 - Ryszard Antoni Legutko) [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 14-05-2020

Clean Sky is dedicated to reduce the environmental impact of aeronautical technologies and to enhance the competitiveness of European aviation. It engages the best talents and resources in Europe and it utilises the key skills and knowledge of the leading European aeronautic research establishments and academic faculties. It brought major results in terms of increased efficiency of the aviation sector, playing an essential role in accelerating green technologies aiming at reducing CO2, gas emission and noise levels produced by aircrafts. In view of the climate neutrality objective, this undertaking will have an increasingly important part in the common efforts that must be done. The technological challenge is complicated, and I deemed important to ensure my support to its discharge as it has to coordinate the efforts for all Member States and the European industry.

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