Atividade Parlamentar Quitação 2018 : Agência Europeia para a Segurança e a Saúde no Trabalho (A9-0033/2020 - Joachim Stanisław Brudziński) [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 14-05-2020

In the context of the discharge process, the intention is to strengthen the democratic legitimacy of the Union's institutions, improving transparency and accountability. Transparency and citizens’ awareness of the existence of the agencies are essential for their democratic accountability, this is why I esteem fundamental to work on the usability and ease of use of agency resources and data. Especially for agencies that deal with topics that are so close to the human health and well-being. I am sure Member States can be of help through communication plans aimed at reaching out more citizens and thus raising public awareness on the work that EU-OSHA does. Safety of work is a constant issue that needs to be constantly monitored, seen the number of accidents occurring in the Member States. I voted in favour.

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