Atividade Parlamentar Medidas temporárias em relação ao imposto sobre o valor acrescentado aplicável às vacinas contra a COVID-19 e aos dispositivos médicos de diagnóstico in vitro, em resposta à pandemia de COVID-19 (C9-

Declarações de Voto | 26-11-2020

The current legislation on VAT does only permit an alleviation of costs of COVID-19 vaccination and testing. This is why an adjustment was needed. I voted in favour of this amendment as it is directed to make possible a zero VAT rate on vaccinations, supplies of vaccines, testing kits and all that is strictly linked to the medical services associated to them. The broad consensus reached by this report will allow the Council to swiftly adopt it, in a way that it can enter into force as soon as possible. This is part of the efforts that the European institutions are doing to ease the administrative rules as to simplify the recovery of the European territory.

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