Atividade Parlamentar Maximização do potencial de eficiência energética do parque imobiliário da UE [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 17-09-2020

I supported this initiative report because I firmly believe that a circular construction sector is a key pillar of the Renovation wave that the Commission is preparing for the end of this year. The building stock in the EU must be renovated and its energy performance improved to help pave the way for a decarbonised energy system. Buildings are amongst the sectors that consume most energy, they generate more than one third of our greenhouse gas emissions in the Union. Investing in energy efficiency can be a real win-win for Europe as nearly 75% of buildings in the Union are not efficient and only 0.4-1.2% of them per year undergo deep renovation. The potential to improve is huge and the renovation wave is going to be an opportunity to increase local jobs, develop a virtuous cycle in the national and regional territories to increase quality homes with lower energy bills. Skills will be another dimension that needs to be tackled, also through a gender perspective, and this is why is particularly important that the Commission develops a European Skills Agenda to these ends.

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