Atividade Parlamentar Uma nova estratégia para as PME europeias (A9-0237/2020 - Paolo Borchia) [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 16-12-2020

This strategy is the tool that should guide our SMEs through the twin transition to a digital and greener Europe. I stress three key areas where the Union can make a difference. First, simplification. A drastic reduction of the administrative burden for SMEs should be a central element and a binding target to reduce bureaucracy of at least 30% should be set. This implies a constant monitoring of what legislation should be simplified, updated, changed or abolished. Second, all SMEs and especially the most innovative ones should be supported to harness the opportunities of digital transformation, to improve their access to data and to step up skills and competences. Innovation ecosystem must be fit for the smallest, not only for those who have more means. Third, investments and access to finance remain big hurdles for SMEs. The measures for the recovery and relaunch must be synchronised with national and regional initiatives, and coordination and exchange of best practices are therefore crucial. It will be important to align the SME Strategy with the Industrial Strategy, the European Data Strategy and the European Green Deal, if we want to work collectively for a brighter future.

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