Work in Parliament A New Industrial Strategy for Europe (A9-0197/2020 - Carlo Calenda)

Explanations of Vote | 25-11-2020

The Union needs a new industrial impetus to cope with all the challenges arising from the green and digital transition and this was pretty clear much before the pandemic. The crisis increased the pressure for a comprehensive strategy which also tackles recovery and resilience of our economy and strengthens strategic autonomy. This report is the EP response to the industry needs in the aftermath of the recovery. The Commission has identified 14 ecosystems with their corresponding strategic value chains and the report is supportive to this approach, but it raises also attention towards very important priorities: 1. The need to cross-link and tie green and digital transformations, in a way to ensure coherence between recovery and the industrial needs; 2. The importance to boost research and innovation, also through tax incentives, and the need of a horizontal approach to the role of innovation towards key enabling technologies and key industrial sectors; 3. The need to reduce administrative burden, to simplify and avoid unnecessary red-tape. 4. The need to provide support to the reskilling efforts that our society must do to cope with its profound transformations. These priorities are horizontal to all ecosystems and need to be transformed into pragmatic measures.

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