Artigos Atividade Parlamentar

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Delegação Assembleia [2009-2014]

Maria da Graça Carvalho is a substitute member of the Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean.

The Euro-Mediterranean parliamentary Assembly was officially established in Athens on 22-23 March 2004 as the parliamentary dimension of the Partnership set up by the Barcelona Declaration of November 1995.

The EMPA consists of 280 members: 130 EU members (81 members from the twenty-seven EU national Parliaments - three from each Parliament - and 49 members from the European Parliament), 10 members from new European Mediterranean partner countries (two for each delegation from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Monaco and Montenegro), 130 members from the ten countries on the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey), and 10 members from Mauritania.

There are five EMPA standing Committees:

  1. Committee on Political Affairs, Security, and Human Rights;
  2. Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs, Social Affairs, and Education;
  3. Committee on Improving Quality of Life, Exchanges between Civil Societies, and Culture;
  4. Committee on Women's Rights in Euromed countries;
  5. Committee on Energy, Environment, and Water.
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