Atividade Parlamentar Objeção nos termos do artigo 112.º, n.ºs 2 e 3, e n.º 4, alínea c): Especificações para o dióxido de titânio (E 171) (B9-0308/2020) [EN]

Declarações de Voto | 07-10-2020

I supported the objection because I need to be sure we are creating the safest conditions to consume our food. The possible risk to health after consuming food containing nanoparticles has been poorly explored, while food additives are used to improve the texture, preservation and aesthetics of food. Titanium dioxide is used in cheeses, sauces, skimmed milk, ice cream, confectionery products, sweets, candies, chewing gum, pastries, and so on. Almost half of its composition is made of nanoparticles and we need to understand if they are not being absorbed by our organs risking to damage them. The objection serves to reconsider the authorization to put again this product in the market, to assess if it can be replaced by equivalent alternatives and to ensure that our health is always treated as a priority in our political choices.

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