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Report Simplification [2009-2014]

Science and innovation are of strategic importance for competitiveness and hence for economic growth and job creation in Europe.  Europe funds scientific research through various programmes of which the most important are the FP7-Seventh Framework Programme for Research (with a contribution of €52 billion) and the CIP Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation. 

In May 2010, as Member of the European Parliament, I had the honour of being appointed the rapporteur responsible for defining the rules of participation for the current and future European programs for science and innovation.  This task falls at a moment of crucial importance.  Soon, the European Parliament will begin the mid-term review of the current Framework Programme, which runs until 2013.  It will also shortly begin the process of setting the priorities and outling the programme for the future, the eighth, FP for Science and Research, which covers the period between 2014 and 2020. 

My goal is to encourage the trust and commitment of all those who seek to make Europe a more open space for innovation, research and job creation.  With regard to the projects submitted, I hope to be able to bring about a more risk-tolerant environment, on the the one hand, and a more just evaluation system based in scientific merit and excellence, on the other.  The simplification of rules - from the standpoint of the user and not only of the Commission - should encourage the participation of a wider range of organisations, whether they be large, medium or small. 

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