Atividade Parlamentar Contribuições para o Programa-Quadro Horizonte 2020

Documentação de Base | 30-11-2011

 Joint Position Paper on the Future Rtd programme in Europe by the EU Enlargement Countries Associated To Fp7, 08 February 2011
European Knowledge Framework. Austrian Reflection Paper on the Succession of the 7th Framework Programme, December 2010.
 Outline of the approach of the Czech Republic to the preparation of the 8th framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities, October 2010
 Guideline Paper of the Federal Government for the 8th EU Research Framework Programme, 26 March 2010
Estonian position for the development of the next Framework Programme
Spanish preliminary inputs for the next Framework Programme
Common Position Paper of the EU-12 Member States for the next Framework Programme   
EUROHORCs. Principles for the further development of the European Research Area (ERA)
Finland's preliminary views on the 8th EU Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Innovation (FP8)
Advisory Report 141 on the Flemish Position EU FP8, 23 September 2010
Ireland's Priorities for FP8, November 2010
LERU Towards an effective 8th Framework Programme for Research
LT non-paper concerning Future FP
Norway's Reflections on the 8th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
European R&D Policy - A Scottish position paper
Contribution from the Swedish Government to the discussion on the next Framework Programme (FP8), December 2010
SNSF position on the development of FP8
Government of Catalonia's Position regarding the next EU Framework Programme for Research
Insights in Innovation in Europe, and Spain in particular
Turkey's Position Paper on Future RTD Programming in Europe
UK HE Sector Position on the future of the Framework Programme

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